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Research Papers

AuthorTitleYear of publication

Knott, Kim  

'Community Religions' at the University of Leeds

An introduction to the Community Religions Project and its work until the early 1980s.


King, Ursula

A Report on Hinduism in Britain

The aim of the report is to provide an insight into the situation of the Hindu community in contemporary Britain, however, beginning with the four phase immigration to Britain and the statistical information of Indian immigrants, the report is useful when researching Hinduism as well as both Sikhism and Islam. Comparing the problems encountered for Hindu’s, Muslims and Sikhs and the religious changes that took place as a result of their migration to Britain provides the reader with a basic understanding of how the communities developed. The report also aims to provide students and teachers with the research currently available on this ethnic minority group and in the footnotes produces a way in which both can develop their knowledge of the subject.

Describing the fundamental role of the Mandir in Britain as a place of new significance and festivals which take place over the year, I would definitely recommend this report as a source of information. Various religious changes are noted, for example the way in which Hindu’s developed their need for the Mandir once they settled in Britain in order to provide a meeting place for an ethnic and religious minority. The brief description of festivals over the year is also valuable when researching Hinduism, differentiating from the practices of the various denominations within Hinduism. Adaptations which have been made as a result of living in England are distinguished, for example the way that the Arti ceremony is not longer practiced at sunrise and sunset as it is in India but around the usual work times.

Furthermore, as a student at the University of Leeds the studies on selected Hindu communities in certain British cities is not only fascinating, but also an extremely constructive way to enhance your research. The specific cities researched include Leeds, Bradford, Coventry and Preston. Overall the style of the report and readability is excellent! It is an extremely interesting study as well as a practical one.
Fay Cowling, Level 2 undergraduate


Knott, Kim

Religion and Identity in the Study of Ethnic Minority Religions in Britain

The report begins with brief reviews of earlier works on religion, identity and ethnicity and considers how the three have been intertwined. Taking into account three perspectives the report assesses the importance the three subjects have upon one another and questions how reliant the three are upon one another. Although a fairly complicated subject, the structure of the report and the way it is written is useful, as not only does it assess the significance of earlier research but also makes the three categories easier to comprehend.
Fay Cowling, Level 2 undergraduate


Howard, Vanessa

A Report on Afro-Caribbean Christianity in Britain


Marzec, Joanna

The role of the Polish Roman Catholic Church in the Polish Community of the U.K.: A Study in Ethnic Identity and Religion


Kotsoni, Katherine

The Greek Orthodox Community in Leeds


Knott, Kim

The role of Religious Studies in understanding the ethnic experience


Law, Judith

The Religious Beliefs and Practices of Hindus in Derby

This research is particularly useful as the report focuses on Punjabi – speaking Hindus, whereas the majority of alternative research has been conducted on Gujarati Hindus. Despite this, there are paragraphs on both the Gujarati and Punjabi community. The report takes into account the effect living in England and the migration to this country had on the religion. The profile on Derby provides an insight into the city itself and the statistical information is useful for comparing all ethnic minorities in the area – the research is detailed and thorough.

The chapter on the settlement process explores the different age groups living in Derby and the factors influencing their migration to Britain. Interestingly, the origination of Hinduism and the differentiation between this and other Hindu sects is also looked at in this chapter. Despite the huge diversity within Hinduism, the report includes individual’s interpretation of their religion and how it fits into daily life.

The development of the Derby Hindu Temple since 1968 represents the outstanding commitment of some of the Hindu families living there, including financial sacrifices they have made. It is impressive to read how Hindu’s managed to maintain temple practices before this time. The specific study of Mr Atray as the priest for four years allows students to gain a better understanding of his life both before and during his time as the priest. The Mandir is described in detail and I found this particularly interesting as certain aspects were so exact I almost felt I had conducted the fieldwork myself! There are also useful images of the prayer hall. Similarly, the report on worship at home, which is very important in Hinduism, is also very in depth.

Overall the report is detailed yet concise. The glossary is particularly useful and the bibliography is a good way to direct you into more research on not only Hinduism in Derby but all over the world.
Fay Cowling, Level 2 undergraduate


Law, Judith

The Religious Beliefs and Practices of the Vietnamese Community in Britain


Geaves, Ron

Muslims in Leeds


Knott, Kim

The changing character of the religions of the ethnic minorities of Asian origin in Britain: Final report of a Leverhulme Project


Lewis, Philip

The Functions, Education and Influence of the 'Ulama in Bradford's Muslim Communities


Reid, Helen

Multi-faith cities: a case study of Bradford


If any errors or omissions are found, please contact Dr Mel Prideaux providing information about the specific paper and error identified.