Here are some images representing Christianity in Leeds in the 1970s and in 2011. If you are interested in looking further into religion in Leeds, search through the research papers.
1970s exterior of church. Church not identifed.
St Aidan's Church, Roundhay Road, 1976
Virgin Mary statue in a wall niche. 1970s.
St.Aidan's church 1976. Woman holding baby by font at baptism.This baptism shows the church's role in key rites
Small child decorating church.
Vicar standing showing vestments
Vicar showing rear of vestments
Teenager member of congregation holding harvest festival decorations.Harvest festival service in 1976 shows young people actively involved in preparations
Sign board for Roscoe Methodist Church. New sign demonstrates the flourishing of the modern building that was erected in 1974
Roscoe Methodist Church, Celebrating 150 years. Interior image of large wooden cross on illuminated brick wall.
Exterior image of St Aidan's Church, Roundhay Road, 2011
Priest giving communion wafer to choir member inside church.
St.Aidan's Church. group photo of diverse congregation. The diversity of the contemporary community worshipping, as well as Caribbean and African communities, new members, including asylum seekers and refugees that can trace family
Older woman reading prayers during church service.
Choir in red and white vestments during service at St Aidan's church.